The collective


What is The Collective?

Working with LEED, The Collective will bring together academic and professional services colleagues from across the University who are working on addressing the Racial Equity gaps (Degree awarding gap).

The work of academic and professional services colleagues within The Collective will take the form of action-oriented teaching and/or research initiatives in this important area. And in terms of research initiatives, these will be broadly defined as Scholarship of Learning and Teaching (SoTL) with a focus on EDI impact. So, for example, colleagues may be applying for funding on a project on addressing a specific awarding gap on their programme and receive peer support as a Core Value of The Collective.

At present there are so many projects and initiatives in the many different departments and teams across the institution that there is the increased possibility of duplication of work, loss of collective/shared learning and an inability for colleagues to support one another, as they are simply unaware that events are taking place until after the fact.

Although there are Department and Faculty-based awarding gap groups and individuals, the Inclusive Learning Communities project, the Race Staff Forum and work being undertaken by the University Teaching Academy, there is not currently a single, unified space – be it online or in-person – where colleagues specifically working on addressing awarding gaps can come together and share their knowledge and experiences in this area. The Collective will look to fulfil this need by providing colleagues with a ‘safe’ and nurturing space based on agreed principles and objectives, where they can meet regularly to discuss what is working, the challenges they face, seek support, energy and inspiration from one another and share resources.

The work undertaken will also help colleagues applying for career progression through the Education, Pedagogy and Citizenship (EPC) pathway.